A few months ago, I blogged about the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) proposal in the East Bay, and Sierra Club support for it. Today I went for the first time to a Berkeley planning commission meeting. Though the meeting focused on a bunch of different issues, most of the speakers had opinions on BRT. Most of them were opposed. The opposition was coming a lot from neighbors to Telegraph Ave. (living on Hillegrass Street). They are afraid, that people will drive around Telegraph, and cut through Hillegras when Telegraph gets more congested after a BRT lane is installed (question: how about some speed bumps?) It was an interesting meeting. I finally met a lot of the people I have been reading and hearing about for some months. This was good. I am always impressed (or ...?) in Berkeley, how many people will sacrifice an evening of their time, to speak out on an issue, that is not even going to be decided for months.
On the way home, I ate at my favorite "dive" on Telegraph, naan n curry. Then I took the bus home on Telegraph Ave. (I had to walk 1 mile from the No. Berkeley Sr. Ctr. to Telegraph, and then again 1 mile from 40th and Telegraph to my apartment in North Oakland). The bus was half full - it was the new "rapid." I had to wait about 20 minutes for it (at 9.30 p.m.) It was a pretty quick ride down Telegraph - though there was hardly any automobile traffic.
It is always sobering, to see the people that rely on AC Transit at night time (not the commuters like me). There were some people that obviously can't afford to drive. I agree with those, who argue that AC Transit should be trying to improve the frequency of service on all routes, not just on BRT. However, I believe that a large part of the BRT money is coming from sources, that would otherwise not be available for transit improvement. I need to check on this. Too bad, the governor is currently shifting money away from public transit.