Friday, June 15, 2007

Seeking Quality Rummage

Ny church St. Paul's Episcopal near Lake Merritt is seeking some donated rummage items they can sell in July at their annual rummage sale. I am on the "rummage team". If you all have been thinking to clean out your closets, basements or garages, and wish to make a tax-deductible donation, please let me know.

Favorite items are quality used clothing (especially CHILDREN'S CLOTHING), toys, jewelry, non-bulky furniture (i.e. no queen sized beds), home and kitchen supplies, and sporting goods. What we can't sell, we have to pay to get rid of, so we are trying to gather mainly items that will "definitely sell." PLEASE BRING CLEAN ITEMS ONLY. We don't have the resources to clean dirty clothes and materials for you!

The best thing for us would be for you to come with your materials to drop off the weekend of July 7 and 8 at the Casa Romana (one building up the hill from the church at 116 Montecito (St. Paul's school). Signs will be posted for drop off.

p.s. thanks to all who have shown interest so far.