Thursday, July 5, 2007

Polystyrene Ban Enforcement

I wrote the City of Oakland regarding the polystyrene (styrofoam) ban enforcement. I have observed some restaurants not following the new rules. Of course, some of these restaurants are my favorite places to eat lunch. So I don't want to make too many enemies :-) Anyways, here is the answer I got:

Citizens can call the Recycling Hotline at 510-238-SAVE (7283) to make a

They should include the name of the restaurant, address, and the date of
their observation. It would also be helpful to note the type of container
where polystyrene was still being used. (i.e. hot drink, to-go clamshell,
soup container, etc.)

Recycling staff will contact the restaurant and follow up on the complaint.


David Finacom
Environmental Services Assistant
City of Oakland Public Works Agency
Environmental Services Division
(510) 238-7694 Fax: (510) 238-7286