Thursday, July 19, 2007

Sierra Club Northern Alameda County Group events

Sunday's Sierra Club, No. Alameda County picnic is coming up soon! The time of the picnic, in case you have not heard, is 12-3 p.m., at Cesar Chavez Park in the Berkeley Marina. Details are posted online at the Bay Chapter website, > calendar, for how to get there. This event does not require r.s.v.p., but as usual, we'd like to know how many people to expect. Please call Joanne at the Sierra Club Chapter office at 848-0800 x315, if you know you are interested, and haven't already notified her (also please let her know, if you want to help us set up!)
It should be a good event - we're expecting about 20 guests. Weather is predicted to be partly cloudy - high of 74 (but probably cooler at the marina). You will probably want to bring a sweater or light jacket.

Also, please make a note, that our regular conservation meeting will be Monday evening, 7/23 at 7 p.m. Among other things, we will be welcoming / hearing from new interested candidates for NAC Group executive committee, and discussing NAC group housing policy. An agenda packet will follow in the next few days (as soon as I get around to producing it).